LASIK is a method of permanent vision correction that can allow you to experience greater visual freedom with less reliance on visual aids like glasses and contact lenses. At Clear Vision Center, we've invested in your vision by offering the most modern and advanced, all-laser LASIK platform in the world: the Zeiss Visumax femtosecond laser combined with the Alcon Wavelight EX500 excimer laser with Contoura.
During LASIK, after numbing the eye with eye drops, your LASIK surgeon will first create a thin flap on the cornea, which is the outermost transparent layer of the eye. Then, after lifting and placing the flap to the side to expose the deeper, treatable layer of the cornea called the stroma, a different laser, called an excimer laser, is used to reshape the cornea and change the overall power of your eye.
This process corrects your natural refractive error and allows you to see clearly with reduced dependence on visual aids. Not only is it an all-laser procedure, but the treatments themselves are more customized than ever. In addition, the procedure is comfortable and fast, ensuring you'll have the most rapid recovery possible.
Every potential candidate for laser vision correction, such as LASIK, undergoes a meticulous screening process where we assess various factors, including the shape of the eye, your current glasses prescription, and other factors, such as your personality, profession, and vision goals. The best candidates for LASIK are between twenty and forty->nine, with mild-to-moderate degrees of myopia, astigmatism, or hyperopia.
If you are over forty-five or have conditions such as keratoconus, autoimmune disease, severe dry eye syndrome, or high degrees of myopia, your eye doctor may recommend an alternative vision-correcting procedure during your consultation. Some alternatives to LASIK are the EVO ICL, SMILE,PRK, or refractive lens exchange.
Our standard process is to recommend to each unique patient the procedure that fits them best and not to match the same procedure to every patient.
Staar Surgical's EVO ICL™ is a tiny, flexible implantable collamer lens that is also a method of permanent vision correction. It is FDA-approved for the correction of moderate-to-high degrees of nearsightedness and astigmatism.
The EVO ICL is placed in a quick and painless outpatient procedure performed in our office-based suite, typically both eyes on the same day. After receiving relaxing medication, the eye is numbed with eye drops and, through a tiny opening, the EVO ICL is placed behind the iris, which is the colored part of the eye.
After placement, the eye feels back to normal within twenty-four hours, albeit with your newly corrected vision! The EVO ICL can help allow you to experience true visual freedom, with reduced dependence on glasses and contact lenses.
SMILE is another type of permanent vision correction that can allow those who are nearsighted to experience visual freedom with reduced dependence on visual aids. SMILE stands for small incision lenticule extraction.
During the SMILE procedure, your eye doctor will make a tiny opening in your cornea and then use a laser to remove a disc-shaped piece of tissue from your cornea. Once removed, the tiny incision on your cornea will heal naturally, and your nearsightedness will be corrected!
Like other types of permanent vision correction, you will first have to qualify as a candidate for the procedure before you can schedule SMILE.
Advanced surface ablation, or ASA (previously known as PRK), is an advanced vision correction procedure that treats near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism.
With Contoura Custom ASA treatments, your laser treatment is designed to be custom fit to your eye's unique fingerprint. This results in the best vision possible with the least side effects.
Whether you are a candidate for Contoura or Standard ASA, at Clear Vision Center our surgeon will recommend the procedure that has the greatest chance of overall success for you.
Custom lens replacement (CLR), previously known as refractive lens exchange (RLE), is a custom vision correction procedure that is typically intended for people aged 45 or older whom have started to develop dysfunctional lens syndrome (presbyopia) or the early stages of cataracts.
With CLR, the specific goal of the procedure is to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses and contact lenses, potentially for 20-30 years or more!
For more than 20 years, Dr. Vrabec has helped thousands of patients achieve their vision goals by demanding the very best from himself and his team. As a result, our practice continues to maintain a patient satisfaction rate of over 99%. Many patients choose to stay with Dr. Vrabec because they know they are in good hands and trust they will achieve improved eye health, vision, and well-being at Clear Vision Center.
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